The company benefits by the application of computer systems in general and SafeERP systems in particular can be summarized in the following points:-

Top management benefits

  • It frees the employer from the obligation to have certain employees.
  • Standardizes work procedures and rules regardless of the employees who carry out the work.
  • Prevents conflicts of authority.
  • It provides management with accurate information to base its decisions rather than relying on impressions.
  • Increases the company’s competitiveness by accurately calculating costs and reducing wasted resources.
  • Providing the management with the ability to view the details of the work through specialized follow-up screens.
  • Provides management with alerts on critical actions in his work.
  • The possibility of direct linking with suppliers, customers and third parties that are dealt with.
  • Supporting the implementation of governance and sustainable development standards.

Daily work

  • It achieves the principle of internal control and the responsibility of each employee for the data he enters.
  • Limits the repetition of data entry and the attendant errors or manipulations (the information is entered in one place and its effect is distributed automatically to all divisions and departments).
  • It achieves the principle of data integrity between different departments (for example, the value of inventory in stores matches the value of inventory in accounting).
  • Diversity of reports between detailed reports to total up to statistical and decision support reports with its accuracy and speed.
  • It does not require increasing the number of employees, but often leads to reducing the number of employees or changing the nature of their work.
  • It largely prevents manipulation of sensitive data, including cost price – selling price – purchase price – vendor quantities – trial balances and balance sheets.

Historical data

  • Preserves recorded information from loss or damage.
  • Speed ​​and accuracy of data retrieval.
  • It maintains the confidentiality of the registered data as only the authorized user is allowed to view the data.
  • The speed of obtaining reports, regardless of the amount of information or its age.
  • It does not need extra space to save documents, and its operation does not require an increase in staff.
  • Ensure that the data is not changed when you refer to it later.
  • It increases the confidence of third parties (banks – audit offices – taxes) in the accuracy of the data provided to them.

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