
Why Choose Us ?

  • BSE focuses on providing high technology business solutions that fulfill the market needs.
  • BSE has its own source code.
  • BSE is continuously developing and customizing systems to adapt to new changes.
  • BSE builds cooperative strategic win-win relationships with our partners.
  • BSE is guided by a technical head who invented the systems.
  • BSE has experienced consultants in the field of Information technology and they have long experience in the implementation.
  • BSE has achieved successful integration with long list of software systems through different integration methods.
  • BSE has long experience in data migration from/to different databases.
Our Story

Who Are We?

  • Business Systems Engineering (BSE) is one of the major Software development Companies, Located in Egypt since 2007.
  • BSE provides standard and customized software solutions to various business sectors.
  • SafeErp® “Enterprise Resource Planning system” is the crown jewel of our products. It has been used effectively by our partners since decades in Egypt and Gulf Countries.
  • Application functionalities, Up to date technology, and after-sales technical support are our main assets.
  • Our multinational staff has cumulative experiences in various business sectors.

 Our Values

  • Partnership: We are not targeting customers but business partners.
  • Cooperation: We work with our partners; solve any case to achieve the top success.
  • Commitment: It may not be our fault, but it is always our responsibility.
  • Consultation: Our deep understanding of business and long experience enable us to provide practical business consultations.
  • After Sales Service: we provide Business, User, and Technical support.
  • Quality: To do it right and up to the standard is not enough, going the extra mile is our quality standard
  • Easy but Controllable: Ease of use and Business Cycle Governance are together achievable with our solutions.
Benefits of working with us

 Benefits of working with us

You will get fully integrated business Solution.
You will get customer service and after sale support dedication.
You will get partner who is fully committed to drive your company growth.

Because we understand your need, we are able to help you.



Information Systems are not only
a recording tool but the engine that drives
business growth and development



To be one of the top Egyptian based software
companies that support the development of
the private sector in Egypt and Middle East.